You Are Not Alone

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Written By: Minister Queen Carter

We all face trouble in our lives. Even little children find trouble in their lives. Their first encounter comes on the day they are born. Leaving the mother’s protective womb is not an easy task; a baby is completely comfortable there, but one day the usual trauma begins. All that takes care of him tells him, it’s time to go. The baby feels uneasy; he sees trouble up front. New experiences are sensed as trouble: disturbances to “the way it has always been.” They are the cause of worry, uneasiness, and inconvenience.

Have you ever been in a place or time where you felt as if nobody was there for you? Have you felt that you had to care for yourself in every way? As I meditated on Nahum 1:7 and reflected on the times when men and women in the bible may have felt this way, I was amazed by the love that the Father has for his creation.

Look at Esther, the times were hard, she had the weight of the world on her, as she was the only one that could save her people from destruction. In those days of trouble, Esther probably felt like she was completely alone in this endeavor; she could only find favor before the king, in Ester 4:14. But, the Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble (Nahum 1:7). This is a truth that we need to have embedded in our lives.

The Lord is good, we have a good God! His mercy is upon us, and His love for His creation is so great we cannot even imagine it. 1 Chronicles 16:34 says to “give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever” David admonished us to “taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man the trusts in Him!” Again, in Psalm 100:5, we read, “For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.” Remember David when he was hiding from Saul? David hid in strongholds while Saul sought after him every day, but God covered him, and he was not found. He wrote about it in Psalm 27:5 saying “for in the time of trouble, He shall hide me in His pavilion. You are not alone.