It’s Getting Hot in Here

Missionlifechurch   -  

Submitted By: Tee-Kay

Growing up and to this very day, my most hated chore is washing dishes. Not sure where I came to dislike it so much. In the process, the last thing that usually get cleaned is the pots and pans because often, they are the dirtiest of all. It produced the goodness that you consumed; however, to create something edible and digestible, it had to get hot and dirty. It will cost you more to constantly replace pots and pans than to clean and care for them properly.

See God does not throw us away just because you get a little dirty. He just cleans us up to prepare us for the next time it gets hot so something else great can be produced that can nourish someone else. In the process of being heated, the temperature depends on what you are trying to produce. We know that the proper amount of time varies depending on what it is. Even different parts of the same food vary in the time it must be in the fire to reach the proper temperature. People you know or even see on social media may seemingly be in the same situation. If you come out now, you will make others sick with your inadequate preparation.

Being a person that always believes there is an easier way to do something, I had to figure out an easier way to clean pots and pans. One day I was cooking and needed reuse the same pan; to my surprise it was extremely easy to clean the pan while it was hot. It was a little uncomfortable because it was still hot, but all the dirt was easily wiped away. Most things of value are forged in the fire. Gold. Diamonds. Clay. They are all molded, purified, or perfected with fire so God in His infinite wisdom applies the same principle to His people. All the impurities that we carry, and we wonder why we feel like we are in the fire. It is easier for God to clean us while we are hot.

The lies, lust, deceit, bitterness and more must be cleansed with fire. Sometimes it needs to get hotter in your fire than it is in someone else’s, but the result will be for His Glory. And while we are in it, we must stop asking God to fix it. Fixing implies returning something to its original state. Why would God want to make you like you were? He wants to alter you. You can get altered at the altar; at the altar burning occurs. We should sacrifice who we were to become what He wants us to be.