The Promises of God

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Written By: Min. Wendy Starks


Greetings Mission Life Church,

I have been led by the Holy Spirit to give us all a gentle reminder of the promises of God. Sometimes life can be very complicated as we are focused on our families, work, bills, etc. All of these things have the ability to take our focus off the love of God; but, you can rest assured, that he always has an ear tuned to our hearts. The world’s definition of promise is a declaration of assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen. As Christians, we know that our covenant is with our God. Numbers 23:19 says “God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or has he spoken and shall he not make it good?” This gives us a blessed assurance; moreover, our God has always kept all of his promises. He gave us his son Jesus Christ who died on the cross and bore our sins, which is the greatest gift that we could have ever been given.

We all started off the year 2020 full of expectations, New Year resolutions were at hand, in fact, the sky was the limit. No one could have ever imagined the twists and turns that we were all about to face. We all have God’s unconditional love, if we want it. Just as with our salvation, it was not earned. We are all sinners saved by grace because Jesus died on the cross so that our sins would be forgiven. Let us also not forget that he conquered death so that we may have eternal life. There isn’t a better way to show unconditional  love than to lay down your life for someone. Jeremiah 31:3 reads “The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee”. Sisters and brothers, it can’t get any better than that. Just as God made the covenant with Abraham, it is still good to this day. God has continued to be our refuge our fortress and our strong tower. This is God’s promise.

Now this brings me to my second point. We are never alone. The longing that we may feel from time to time can only be filled with the true love of Christ. Christ is and will always be the one constant in our lives that will never change. Our lives are marred with failed relationships; some of these relationships are with family, friends and romantic ones as well. The enemy attacks them all. Nothing is off-limits to Satan. As Christians, we know that we can stand on the word of God. God has promised us that he will never leave us nor forsake us. Remember that he will always go before us. We are instructed through his holy word to be courageous and not to fear men in their faces. As long as it is in God’s will; he will deliver you just as he did with Job, Daniel, Noah, Lot and Rahab, just to name a few. Since last year, some of us have recovered from covid-19 and overcame financial troubles such as eviction notices and repossessions; this simply means that you are a survivor! As a matter of fact, if you are reading this blog, you are a survivor! So keep on living by the promises of God.

Lastly, the Bible tells us that our heavenly father has a plan and a purpose for each one of us. Christ instructs us to take no thought for our lives or what we shall eat. He is God of all and is sovereign. That simply means that God is El Shaddai, the Lord God Almighty; Jehovah-jireh, the Lord who will provide; Jehovah  Mekoddiskem, the Lord who sanctifies you and El Shaddai, the Lord God Almighty. You see my brothers and sisters, he himself has kept  all of his promises. After all, God knew you when you were yet in your mother’s womb; he knows every hair on your head. People of God , remain steadfast and continue to fight the good fight. Keep your eyes on the prize, Abba has promised us a Crown of Life (Revelations 2:10). When you feel tired and when you feel alone don’t be dismayed; remember that you have the promises of God.