Application Accepted and Approved

Missionlifechurch   -  

Written By: Pastor Nett

There is always a process that one must go through to be qualified and approved for a home loan, college admittance, a credit card, a job position, or car. First things first, most times completing an application starts the process. Sometimes depending on what it is you are applying for there is an application fee that must be paid. When filling out the application we make sure we submit the best answers on paper. We also put a positive spin on our weaknesses. Why? Some are concerned that our history will disqualify us while others are confident that they will get the approval. Whatever the case may be, there is always a chance that we will be rejected or denied. Being rejected can be so disheartening; we should be so grateful that God is not like man. He will never reject you!

Ephesians 1:4 reads According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.

We were chosen and accepted from the beginning; God chose us all to be his children way before He formed creation. He knew the choices that we would make yet He still chose to love us. God exemplified his love through his son Christ Jesus. Jesus paid the ultimate fee so that we could live. God forgives us for our sins. No worries about not being approved because of our past! God wants us to leave our past behind embrace our newness and walk worthy of our calling.

God wants us to believe that we are accepted. Let us stand on the promises and know that our past doesn’t have to dictate our future. No condemnation through Christ Jesus. Live holy and know that God forgives. He has accepted and approved our application for an abundant life.