God is So Proud of You

Missionlifechurch   -  

Written By: Harold Whaley

When I was asked to write words of inspiration, I asked myself “What inspires Harold?” I thought of my old soul having a son, the sun shining on a Saturday morning, the emotionally disturbed children I work with, or something my Pastor said. All these things mentally stimulate me. Make me want to do something good in the world that day. This week it was the latter, my Pastor, Clay Burston, led us knee deep into one of his organic worship experiences. During that experience, he uttered a phrase that no one has ever told me before, something that I never really thought about before. I may have felt it, but never had that verbal confirmation. It is a simple phrase, “God is so proud of you!”

WOW! Little ole me? Immediately I knew it was confirmation. I have been doing things personally to better myself. Not looking for a pat on the back, but just doing things I know should be done. After all, I’m a man, and a man has to take care of his business, but now I felt like a child; a child getting a good report card after having some bad semesters.

Truth be told we all have had some bad semesters; times in our life where we should/could have done better. Its easy to feel you are falling short when it comes to your faith, and guess what, YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE. Tons of people including myself have felt that way. We tend to make up circumstances where God would respond the way we would respond: imagining sinning, and him being upset and washing his hands of us until we do some good work to get back in his favor. I am so glad God is not like us. As I grew older in my faith, I have come to realize that is not the case.

God simply adores us. Eph. 2 says we are his workmanship, Rom. 4:5 says you are now righteousness in his eyes, Gen. 1 he says it is good 7 times and in Gen. 1:26-31 after creating man he says all he created is very good. God is crazy about you.  He created us in his image. He looked at all he had made and said it was very good. Like a proud dad. Sometimes I look at my son King, and be like “Wow, that’s really a little me.” I imagine this is what the creator was thinking when he made us.

Our father is head over heels about us, even when we think we do not deserve it, he knows those are the times we need it more. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You have come so far and still have more to accomplish with God on your side. Man, He’s so proud of you.