“Whatever you do, Don’t Give Up”

Missionlifechurch   -  

Words of inspiration by Elder Brian Butler  

 Scripture -Galatians 6:9,10 

I’m reminded of when I was in school some years ago, working on this assignment and I started to feel defeated; I started to feel like I wasn’t getting the concept of what my teacher was talking about, so I decided to do some research on the topic at hand and found out that it was much easier than I expected. I wanted to quit and give up and just throw in the towel, but the lord reminded me, he said, “Son, don’t you dare give up because you’re almost to the finish line”.  

So, when you feel like giving up, be reminded that God loves you and wants you to live life to the fullest! God’s plan is to prosper you and not to harm you. If you’re struggling in life, don’t give up – there are better things yet to come!  

While there are many things that demand our time and attention that we should leave behind such as unhealthy relationships, jobs, and habits, it’s also important to keep fighting for what is good and right. Fight for your success, fight for your marriage, fight for your kids, fight for your health – don’t give up! Know that you are not alone and know that we are in the hands of God – He will provide us with strength when we need to keep going! Don’t you dare give up up because greater is on the horizon for you and your family. Continue to seek his face and watch him work …